
An easy way to train your team

We can customize any type of training you want. You can easily trust our training materials as we put the reference on every single slide.

Our area of expertise


We use the IOSA and ISAGO requirements of topics and ICAO Doc 9859 as primary source of information. But if you want to add your comany specific procedures in the training material, we are pleased to do so.


We are Certified Aviation Security Training Center by Civil Aviation Authority. We can provide any Security Training: for flight crew, cargo / mail security, airport security, awareness training etc.

We use Doc 8973 and ECAC Doc 30 as primary sources of information. If you want to add any kind of your own procedures, you’re welcome to do so.


The Dirty Dozen, Motivation, Errors and Violations are just some of the topics we learn during this course. We use ICAO Doc 10121, IATA Airpot Handling Manual and ICAO Doc 9806 for the training content.

It perfectly fits the airport and ground handling personnel.


This type of training best suits the Compliance Managers in the aviation industry.

You can easily trust this content as it is all based on IATA Airport Handlig Manual provisions. We also check & ensure the EASA requirements on compliance are met.

If you want to add your own Compliance or Quality Control procedures in the training material, you are welcome to do so.